Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Fairy Falsehoods or Tales?

Have you seen Love Actually? It’s one of my favourite movies not because it has a happy ending for everyone because it doesn’t (sorry if I just ruined it for you). I like this movie because it deals with love in all its forms. Yip I like it because it represents a more realistic approach to love and relationships than most movies. And I have a tendency to be cynical especially when it comes to love and relationships. Let’s face it love isn’t all Cinderella like - not everyone’s love life resembles a fairy tale.

I think it is unfortunate that kids are brought up to think that one day we will meet our prince or princess charming, that all love stories are Fairy Tales. Let me tell you people, there are a lot of frogs out there that are just that, frogs! And no matter how often you kiss them they will always be frogs. I know and so do my friends, from personal experience. These Fairy Tales well I feel they just set us up for a reality bitch-slap, or several depending on who you are.

Don’t get me wrong I know there are amazing men and women out there and there are plenty of people who have found love, fulfilling and great relationships. My parents for example who have been married for 39 years, but not everyone has a Fairy Tale ending. Or do they?

Are there really “plenty of fish in the sea?” What about the fact that fish today are overharvested, their habitat in decline and more are on the endangered species list than ever before? Does this also apply to princes/princesses? How many frogs do you have to encounter before the right one comes along?

Is there really a right one? A Mr. Or Miss Right? A prince/princess charming? Do they even exist out of the pages of a novel? Even our best loved fictional cynics seem to find theirs in the end...just look at Austen’s Elizabeth Bennett and Mr. Darcy and Sex in the City’s Carrie and Mr. Big. But is this really realistic? I think it possibly is but I can’t help wonder if it is ever going to happen for me...and I have friends who feel the same way. I know friends have endured and witnessed the ups and downs of relationships and love and have found the “one”. However, I also know people, myself included, that have also gone through these same ups, downs and experiences in love and are still waiting for the “one”, as I age I am starting to doubt it will happen. I can’t help it – it’s the cynic in me.

Yet I still faithfully watch the chick flicks with the Hollywood and Fairy Tale endings...perhaps I just enjoy self-torture or perhaps despite all of life’s love bitch-slaps I still believe in my own Fairy Tale ending. You know, that it will happen for me, that Mr. Right will come along...eventually. I am more realistic now. I know he won’t be slaying dragons for me or riding a white horse, but I think he may still be out there waiting and looking for me, just like I am doing for him. I just hope we aren’t both riding scooters when we finally meet, you know the kind your grandparents do! I don’t want my prince to have to resort to prescriptions of Viagra or whatever because when I do find it my Fairy Tale ending I want it to be just as I imagined and that does not involve erectile dysfunction or senior discounts. However, if that’s how it happens so be it. So I send out good vibes to anyone still searching for their “one”. I hope it happens for us all sooner rather than later.

Food For Thought
Somewhere there's someone who dreams of your smile..." --Unknown

1 comment:

  1. Yes, here's hoping he arrives on a motorcycle!
