Friday, November 6, 2009

Buttons and bad days

Hey have your every had one of those days where it just starts off bad and you hope it doesn't go down hill from there?  Well I just had one.  It started out at 5 am which could have added to the range of events.  I was up becuase I had meeting in Vancouver and was planning on catching the 7 am ferry to be at my meeting at 9am.  The first thing was as I took my last pee before I was leaving the button of my brand new never been worn pants fell off!  Buttons are important for you know holding up pants.  I struggled for a few mins trying to get it back on but I needed to leave to catch the ferry.  So one of my kind roommates gave me a needle and thread to go.  I raced to the ferry only to miss getting on the 7 by 10 cars! So I had to phone and postpone my meeting til 11am a great first impression.  But now I had 2 and half hours to wait for the next ferry.  So what did I do?  Well for starters I sewed my button back on hoping no one would walk by and wonder what I was doing with my pants undone in the driver side of my stickshift truck!  It worked and thank god no one saw.  When I finally got on the ferry and for those of you not used to BC mainland -Vancouver Island ferry travel these are huge 500 passenger 300 + car ferries, they are lovely  and as scenic as the crossing is,  all 1 hour and  35 mins of it, after 30+ years of traveling on the ferries they have lost their shine for me and I have to admit I rarely enjoy them now except occasionly when I see something cool like a pod of killer whales which I did this summer.  Anyways the weather was horendous and I wasn't sure if the wind would prenvet the ferries from runing did not.  However in all my years of BC cruising I have never once had the captian ask passengers to remain seated, or wait until the ferry had docked before returning to your car.  The weather was that crazy.  My 9 am ferry was more like 9:15 am so I was already late for my 11 am meeting then I got lost on my way there ending up on some random farm road numbered 36A or something.  I finally made it to my meeting at 11:45 just in time for lunch HAHA. The rest of the day wasn't too bad no more button catastrophes and the ferry was still running on my home, but the rain was crazy and there is nothing I enjoy more than coming off the ferry ramp only to hydroplane at the bottom! (Not!) I made it home alive but I think I will have to re-think and re-do my emergency button sew job!

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