Thursday, October 1, 2009

Another trip to coupledom

OK  I know I tend to rant on about the single versus couple thing but really some days it just pisses me bear with me.  My latest adventure - traveling.  Myself and two friends are trying to book a trip to New Orleans over the "holiday season" to 1) avoid another pathetic holiday season spent with married siblings, parents and 2) avoid those pitiful looks from people at social gatherings commenting about how sad it is that you aren't spending the holidays with a loved one blab blab.  Whatever!  At least I will be spending it with people I like and not drinking myself into oblivion to avoid those "cheerful" family forced dinners.

We are three single professional gals who are independent and after spending almost every Christ-mass that's right I said Christ-mass you now the mass celebration where you spend most of the time thinking at least to yourself Christ how did I survive this last year?  Well the three of us have decided to venture out and actually spend it how we want to...enjoying copious amounts of food and liquor as per usual however, this year it will be with people we choose and whom we like and in a fun and exciting place, where I don't have to dress in my thermal underwear just to get to the car. 

So in my research to find us a decent place to stay in New Orleans I have come across a rather disturbing yet not too shocking discovery.  The plight of the singleton or singletons to find a decent hotel that doesn't cost me an ovary or first born child.  

I don't know what goes down there in Louisiana but it is really hard to find a decent hotel room for two or more people (friends) who do not wish to engage in close quarter sleeping arrangements in other words sex.  In Canada it seems rather easy to get a hotel room with 2 Queen beds, however in my search I have come across a plethora of rooms with either the choice of A meaning 1 King and/or  1 Queen bed, romantic and family vacation packages and even a "rock star" room.  What I have had a hard time finding is a room for us singles that isn't outrageously priced or forcing me to share a bed with a friend.  Something I find rather ironic in a country and state that doesn't recognize same sex marriages or unions! 

What I find incredibly frustrating is that my friends and I whom had decided on the reality of 2 adjoining rooms because of space and bathroom reasons are getting shafted.  And not in a good way.  It is almost impossible to find a decent room with 2 beds or a suite for 3 adults and guess what for that extra bed(s) not person(s) but the bed the rate is a lot more.  Like hundreds more! Depending on your length of stay! Which I think is incredibly insane I mean its like you pay more for being single and/or not wanting to sleep literally or figuratively with your friend(s). 

It's just another example of how couples get things for cheaper because they do.  I mean I think it's nuts that myself and my friends have to pay more money to occupy the same space as a "couple".  

That being said one of my friends seems to have found us a nice option a hotel with a suite that will probably work for us... though one of us will most likely be sleeping on a sofa bed because another extra bed adds like $100 a night!  Whatever.  We can handle it!   But I would be a lot happier if society would change its attitudes about singles.  I am getting really tired of living in Coupledom. Sometimes Singletown feels like a bad suburb where we pay extra taxes and get jack for it all while watching Coupledom recieved nice new curbing and safer lights at our expense.  Oh well.....maybe one day people will say "Oh your not single" That's really sad"

Food For Thought
"Being single is pretty good. It’s a nice sense of irresponsibility."~Michael Douglas


  1. Christ-mas. Ah yes, that wonderful time of the year when I have to endure my mothers over the top dinner after which my stepfather falls asleep on the sofa. Cue loud snoring & my mothers rambling thoughts on how old so and so would have been this year (if indeed he or she were still alive).
    One year, in a vain attempt to avoid the hell that singles face with over keen concerned parents I agreed last year to go over for boxing day (26th) and just have some nibbles and a swift beer for two hours before driving back to my festive bolt-hole of an apartment to escape the rest of the silly season.
    On arriving however I found my mother had a cunning way around my plan. She'd simply moved Christmas day forward to the 26th! so theres me with a silly paper hat,a full roast meal, my sister and her to sweet but also annoying children and my once again snoring stepfather. I should have known really.
    Anway, your trip inspires in England we get the old
    "well if your single it costs a bit more"
    No shit.
    This year I plan to go awol for xmas. Switch off my cellphone & laptop and get in a large selection of wine and beer.
    At least I'll be spared the dreaded christmas day phone call or text message from my smug-couple friends. Ok, so they think there doing good but as you mentioned a while back- couples forget what it was like to be single.
    Now then..........let me see where Christmas day falls this year.......I need a cunning plan.

    Tunbridge Wells,

  2. I checked Christ-mass is on a Friday this year good luck coming up with an excuse. I happened to extra luck this year because my parents are spending 3 weeks with my brother and his wife over the holidays whom incidentally have managed to finagle their way out of Xmas for the last 9 years! Leaving me to hold the family bag all on my own.

  3. 'grandma would be crushed'October 4, 2009 at 8:26 AM

    I am still feeling the "christmas guilt" - so I cant bring myself to be away from the family yet...
