Why is it that men seem to age gracefully? As they age they become sexy with peppered gray hair and they seem aluring and women well gravity sets in and wierd hair starts to grow on your chin? I mean hypothetically of course (the hair)! Its like some sort of cruel joke not to mention that we experience our sexual peak in our late thirties just about the time that our over 30 bodies start to show us that we are definatley not 20 something anymore and 40 something is closer than we hope.
I have recently had this conversation with some friends and we did a survey (ok it include about 3 people so the stats aren't exactly robust) and it seems like women in our 30s - 40s who haven't had kids are experiencing all kinds of weird hormonal things like chin hairs and extra lovely painful cramps. It this because we are consuming mass quantities of caffeine intravenously through chocolate bars and coffee! Or is it becuase we don't actually age gracefully?
Do we only get to grow old gracefully if we have hair laser removal, incubate a parasite for nine months (no offense) and have some sort of bo-tox or other sythetic toxic substance injected into our face, boobs and/or asses? Not to mention the plethora of "anit-aging" face cream, ass cream, thigh cream and everything else creams that we are meant to be applying to our withering bodies. I mean really...is this what I have to look forward to as I grow old. I hope not.
Both my mum and her mother grew old graciously and not to be biased but they aged and are aging pretty dam well. I can only hope that I have also inherited these genes. Or else me and some hair laser pseudo doctor are going to become very fast and tight friends....
What I want to know is do men also experience things like this? I mean we all know about sagging balls and man-boobs thanks to the Bro (Seinfeld) and other sources but is there more to it that we don't hear about? I want to know and so do many other women out there.
I am aware and so is the world about erectile dysfunction and incontinuity thanks to depends and pfizer. I mean where would the world be without drugs for enabling the male libidio at the age of 70? But do men really worry about getting older as much as women do? Do you see your body start to fall apart and hope others don't notice as well? I hope so not because I think men should share our pain of aging but because then we would know that we are all on the same playing field.
Food For Thought
"Thirty-five is when you finally get your head together and your body starts falling apart." ~Caryn Leschen
Well, for us guys there are a few age related worries............
ReplyDelete#1 Going bald- obvious I know but top of the list
(nb, be very careful if yous ask male friends about this topic- the female equivalent would be saggy boobs or a big bum).
#2 Loss of phyiscal strength- lots of us guys at around 40+ start to lose a lot of the body strength we had as young men.(though we wont openly admit it)
#3 Erection "on demand" can be a bit... well, of an issue, note however that he best time for us is in the morning,when, for reasons unknown to man generally, we awake with what we call here in the UK "a morning glory" Then again there is the blue pills if things get real bad into our 50's.
#4 No matter what we do, how we try or for how long, we seem to put on weight.
On the plus side, I myself feel a lot more smart though;for that read "emotional intelligence"
Tunbridge Wells,
As for an almost over the menopause woman, at 47, the hot flushes lasted for 21 months and were extreme, napping seriously needed, due to being woken frequently in the night, and felt so rough, not even sexual at all for a lot of the time!!
ReplyDeleteSex does seem to be something that happens to other people and couple overload does seem all too common, lack to consideration and thoughtlessness, not helpful at all.
My sympathy for those who have sprouted facial hair, should just be men that get it.