Thursday, August 20, 2009

Quality Versus Quantity

Have you ever wondered how people got and/or manage to keep their positions? I am sure we have all encountered people in our lives at work and organizations etc. that seem to be incompetent, lacking in personal skills, rude, unprepared, unqualified for the job at hand and quite frankly not helpful at all.

Personally I have run into this situation several times, it appears to not be limited just to work or volunteer organizations but seems rife throughout society. The reason I mention this is because I wonder at what point does quantity overrule quality? Sometimes it seems that the powers that be would rather have all their seats full, than have fewer seats but filled with people of better quality.

I have a good friend who belongs to a national organization that is primarily run by volunteers, like many large organizations there are some full-time paid staff to oversee things, keep the organization going etc. However, in the last few years it seems that some of the people, both the volunteers and paid employees, have forgotten the true purpose of the organization. She struggles with it as we all do when confronted with such a situation(s). An organization is what its people are, essentially the saying “you are what you eat” applies. When people involved in the organization become more interested in what they can personally get out of it rather than what they put into it I question why they are allowed to continue, especially when the situation has been brought to the attention of organization’s powers that be. Why are these people allowed to continue and in many instances move up the ladder to more prestigious positions often with more responsibilities and in some cases more money?

I have been part of many organizations over the years. I join these organizations because I enjoy working for and with them, believe in what they stand for and I want to contribute to the world even if it’s in some small way. I find it upsetting that these “quantity people” who seem to be out for themselves manage to continue and in many cases gain power in these organizations. I am sure at some point karma will come knocking, but at what cost?

Recently in BC a very large, influential and important conservation organization has run into this very problem. It has split the organization in half, pitting one side against the other in a rather heated and very ugly public debate. I think it’s a sad result especially when it appears that the main purpose of the organization has been lost along the way, that personal selfishness, need and greed by some of its members to feel important and get their own way is essentially causing the collapse of the organization and all it stands for. It makes me sad because along the way not only does the organization and its members suffer as a result but the environment, people and in many cases children who are the beneficiaries and purpose of these organizations really lose out. Most likely quantity people will move on to some other organization while the quality people struggle to put the pieces back together.

It’s unfortunate but I believe quantity people create something similar to, if not an actual a dictatorship in organizations. Have you read George Orwell’s Animal Farm? It is a good lesson to all, people, companies and organizations alike to learn from. Like many dictatorships, these organizations (of all types including companies) will fall. History has proven time and time again that they do, look at the USSR, Stalin’s Italy, Germany and many others throughout time. Hopefully though they can and will rebuild only to be stronger and wiser. Hopefully choosing quality over quantity.

The responsibility lies with the organization, it must stand up for itself. To say we want quality people even if that means fewer people. We want our organization to stand for something positive so that people associate us with a good and well run organization full of quality people, in turn this will gain you more quality people, and better public relations. So I ask quantity people move over, get out or re-think your own self needs and change. Become a quality person or get the hell out of Dodge so that quality people can move in. Organizations ask yourself what you want to be remembered for? lots of selfish self-serving people or to known as a good quality and esteemed organization? It’s your choice. Quality people don’t give up, have faith keep on trucking it will happen.

Food For Thought

Unselfish and noble actions are the most radiant pages in the biography of souls. ~David Thomas

1 comment:

  1. volunteer who was B****h slapped in an emailAugust 20, 2009 at 3:33 PM

    Now if only those "quantity" people would read this...and take it to heart!
