Saturday, January 9, 2010

Flat Tire blues II

Yip that's right folks yesterday I went out to drive my truck only to discover my tire was flat again! Apparently the tire people didn't fix it the first back I went again.  I was really pissed if the truth be told and there was some pretty explicit  language being expressed and tossed around the yard.  Because 1) I had another flat tire 2) I  had to cancel coffee with a friend. and 3) the tire was  "supposedly" fixed! I manged to fill it and get back to the tire folks again.  Where they told me there was a huge gash in my tire which I don't possibly know how they missed the first time but there it was - I saw it with my own eyes.  And I was quite sad because this time the tire was not fixable as you can imagine so I got to plunk down $450 for two new tires...Because my "spare" tire was a right off  in addition to the flat one.  However, as now all 4 of my tires on said truck are all covered by warranty. I am sure nothing will happen now which is a bit of piece of mind.  I think the guy that helped me was trying to be nice by saying well now all your tires match.  'Cause you know how important the esthetics of my tires are too me...oh so important NOT! Anyways I am now hoping my tire and truck saga for 2010 are now over and there won't be any repeats!


  1. Hi Urbin,
    I came by way of Happy Hour and just had to stop in. Sorry about your tire. It sucks to have car trouble!

    I enjoyed your blog and will stop back again!

  2. Oops, sorry about the misspelling of your name! LOL! My boss walked in and I hit send before I checked everything.
